A new business opportunity in Malaysia?

The current pandemic has caused many businesses to embrace digital transformation to provide products and services online, thus bringing their offerings directly to the customers. As a result, many companies and entities in Malaysia are now more open and ready to explore a new business opportunity post COVID-19: digital banking. 

Customer centricity is key for a successful digital banking business in Malaysia

One way to develop a successful digital bank is by becoming a bank that a customer can trust.

Accelerated by the pandemic, a new type of consumer has also emerged globally – one more advanced in their use of digital technologies and more thoughtful and selective in their decision-making. Digital banks can be the main beneficiaries through focusing on customer value propositions and developing a customer-value concept. This can be divided into 3 key themes:

It is important for digital banks to employ a customer-first mindset to focus on the digital enablement of their customers. 

Learn more about how this can be done by accessing our report.