KPMG BREXIT Impact Analysis

KPMG BREXIT Impact Analysis

KPMG’s Acor Tax Brexit Impact data analysis, in combination with your business structure, will enable you to reduce risks and identify opportunities at an early stage

Michael Kjær Olesen

Director, Tax Technology



KPMG BREXIT Impact Analysis

What are the customs implications of Brexit for trade between the EU and the UK, and the possible financial impact in the case of a (hard) Brexit? KPMG’s Acor Tax Brexit impact data analysis will help you answer these questions and give you the needed insights to enable you to reduce risks and identify opportunities.

We perform data analytics of your sales and purchases between EU and UK where we will use our Tax Intelligence Solution data analytics engine to analyze the possible financial impact of Brexit, including customs duties that will have to be paid in the EU and/or the UK together with potential declaration costs. The data analysis output provides clear insights and consists of a one-pager overview that will facilitate a Brexit impact discussion and possible Brexit strategies. 

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