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The transport and tourism industry is changing. Never before have technological progress and the challenges of climate change driven the development of these two economic sectors so rapidly. The digital transformation of the transport industry in recent years has blurred the boundaries between transport, mobility and technology. The challenges of the future are manifold and range from automation, the use of new drive technologies, lower-emission mobility and increasing transparency in the face of an exponential flood of data to the trialling of new technologies such as augmented reality and blockchain. Climate risks and consequential damages are increasingly impacting the industry's business processes and new ESG regulations require the implementation of a strong governance and compliance culture for the long-term success of industry participants.

The future of the industry will raise relevant questions:

  • How can the industry meet the customer demands of tomorrow?
  • What opportunities and risks does the data and platform economy harbour?
  • How can the sustainability requirements for the industry be implemented?

Our industry experts have the answers to these and other questions and are on hand to help you meet the challenges of the future. Our experts support you in the sub-sectors:

  • Logistics (courier, express and post)
  • Aviation (airports and airlines)
  • Public transport (bus and rail)
  • Maritime economy (shipping and harbours)
  • Tourism (hotels, catering and tourism)

You can find more information about our transport and tourism services in our overview.

We rely on a global network in over 140 countries and a wealth of experience from countless industry projects. With a keen eye for our local markets, we keep an eye on the global transport and tourism industry and use our cross-industry expertise to develop new connections. The transport and tourism industry of tomorrow is more networked and sustainable than ever. We are already helping you to make the right connections today.