Tax Litigation

Tax Litigation

The world of tax is changing at an unprecedented pace.

The world of tax is changing at an unprecedented pace.

With national budgets strained and topics as tax morality and tax fairness high on the agenda, tax authorities are under constantly growing pressure to generate tax revenue. The result is a more focused approach to identifying tax issues and a more resourceful argumentation of the tax authorities in supporting the tax assessments they make.

In this ever more challenging tax environment, companies often find themselves in a position where they have to manage complex and demanding enquiries from the tax authorities.

Dealing with tax enquiries, audits and disputes by the tax authorities can mean uncertainty and complexity.

Thus, being able to rely on additional support and experience in the course of tax control proceedings is becoming more and more important for businesses.

The KPMG Tax Team in collaboration with Mateeva and Partners Law Firm has the expertise and experience to help you take control of the tax audit and litigation process.

Support throughout the entire tax audit process

  • Performing an initial review of the tax treatment applied and the supporting  documentation available with your business
  • Assisting you in responding to queries, drafting explanations, organizing and presenting information and documentation to the tax inspectors, etc.
  • Helping you with the procedural aspects of the tax control proceedings, e.g. extension of deadlines, temporary suspension of proceedings, filing claims, and others

Court appeal assistance

  • Analysis of and advice on how strong your case is, before you start appealing
  • Drafting of objections and appeals on an administrative level
  • Drafting of appeals at court level
  • Court representation, where permissible by applicable independence rules
  • Post-litigation assistance: support in seeking refund of unduly assessed and paid taxes and penalty interest; refund of court expenses

For further details on the landscape of the tax control proceedings and how we can assist you, please read our brochure and get in touch with us.

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