2022 was a year of catastrophic weather-events, high inflation, and regulatory change. The industry continues to face evolving challenges and opportunities. Resilience in these times of change is critical.

The 2022 profit from direct insurers of $4,949 million was up 42 percent (2021: $3,483), a five year high. The increase was largely driven by a 10 percent increase in gross written premium on the back of higher premium prices. Increased claims costs were largely mitigated by these higher, average gross written premium prices, with insurers continuing to price products to reflect claims inflation, natural hazards expectations and higher reinsurance costs.

Results at a glance

Direct Insurers 31/12/2018 – 31/12/2022

2022 2021 2020 2019 2018

Gross written premium $m

59,364 53,781 48,625 46,271 44,111

Net earned premium $m

40,286 36,003 33,703 32,967 31,217

Underwriting result $m

6,125 3,562 (186) 2,211 3,443

Insurance profit $m

4,949 3,483 930 4,070 4,609

Investment income $m

(1,257) 509 1,452 2,984 1,912

Loss ratio

62% 66% 75% 69% 65%

Expense ratio

23% 24% 25% 25% 24%

Combined ratio

85% 90% 101% 93% 89%

Insurance margin

12% 10% 3% 12% 15%

Capital ratio

1.72 1.69 1.68 1.67 1.74

Source: APRA Annual General Insurance Performance Statistics Dec 2022 (Direct Insurers only) and KPMG analysis.

The outlook

The expectation of increasing frequency and severity of natural hazards, rising reinsurance costs, increasing inflation, supply chain issues and labour shortages will continue to put upwards pressure on premiums pricing. It is anticipated that on average, premiums will rise by at least 10 percent throughout 2023.

1. Resilience

2. Reinsurance

3. Technology modernisation

4. ESG

5. Simplification and cost optimisation

6. Changing customer expectations

7. Cyber

8. Data

9. IFRS 17

10. Regulatory and compliance transformation

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