Italy – COVID-19: New Decree Law Provisions Confirm Existing Measures and Policies

Italy– New Decree Confirm Existing Measures & Policies

Italy published a new decree on 14 July extending until 31 July 2020 the current measures in force that are intended to mitigate the effects of the coronavirus and help prevent its spread. This new decree confirms the validity of many existing statutory provisions and underscores the necessity of continuing to limit trips to help contain COVID-19.




Italy published a new decree1 on 14 July extending until 31 July 2020 the current measures in force that are intended to mitigate the effects of the coronavirus and help prevent its spread.  This new decree confirms the validity of existing statutory provisions and underscores the necessity of continuing to limit trips to help contain COVID-19. 


National authorities are still focused on the pandemic and are taking a slow, gradual, phased approach to reopening of the country.  This is one of the reasons why quarantine is still in force for people coming from non-European Union (EU) countries (with some exceptions) and an extensive travel ban remains in place. 

Measures prohibiting group gatherings, advising people to keep 1.5 meters apart, and gradual re-opening of places of business, remain in place so as to prevent the spread of the coronavirus.  However, efforts to introduce greater flexibility regarding travel demonstrate initial steps toward a re-opening of Italy’s borders and boosting its economy in the near future.

Until such time as the government decides it is safe to rescind, or in a bigger way roll-back current travel restrictions, many multinational organisations may wish to continue, where feasible, with remote working by their as a way for them to foster the safety of their employees and help ensure business continuity.  

Reopening – Status Quo until 31 July

  • The possibility of travelling for any reason to and from the EU, the Schengen area, the U.K., Andorra, Principality of Monaco, Republic of San Marino, and Vatican City without a quarantine obligation (provided that travellers have been in these countries for at least 14 days before entering Italy) has been extended to 31 July. 1
  • Entry into Italy for people coming from non-EU countries or countries that are not part of the Schengen area continues to be allowed only for limited reasons including work, health, absolute urgency, and study.  When entry is possible, the traveller will be expected to undergo health surveillance and self-isolation for 14 days (these policies remain in place at least through 31 July).  (Although the United States is not specifically mentioned, it is assumed to fall in this category.)
  • Until 31 July, entry by travelers from Algeria, Australia, Canada, Georgia, Japan, Montenegro, Morocco, New Zealand, Rwanda, Serbia, South Korea, Thailand, Tunisia, and Uruguay is, generally speaking, possible also for non-essential trips.  However, those who enter Italy from these countries are still required to carry out self-isolation for 14 days and inform the local health-care authorities about their entry.2
  • As a precautionary measure, entries and transits to Italy are not possible for people who have stayed in or transited through Armenia, Bahrain, Bangladesh, Brazil, Bosnia Herzegovina, Chile, Kuwait, Republic of North Macedonia, Moldova, Oman, Panama, Peru, and the Dominican Republic in the prior 14 days before travelling to Italy     .  It should be noted, direct and indirect flights to and from these countries are also suspended. 3


1  Decreto Del Presidente Del Consiglio Dei Ministri 14 luglio 2020.

2  Ordinanze del Ministero della Salute 30 giugno 2020.

3  Ordinanza del Ministero della Salute 9 luglio 2020.

*  Please note that KPMG LLP (U.S.) does not offer immigration services or labour law services. However, KPMG Law LLP in Canada can assist clients with U.S. immigration matters.


The information contained in this newsletter was submitted by the KPMG International member firm in Italy.


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