Too often, healthcare providers focus on single episodes of treatment, rather than patients’ overall well-being. Integrated care brings together the different groups involved in patient care so that, from the patients’ perspectives, the services delivered are consistent and coordinated. The needs of patients can also be better met by taking a more broad-ranging approach, and integrated care can offer higher-quality, more efficient care. In many cases, increased efficiency can also help to control costs.

How we can help

Every transformation is unique. Our care system redesign methodology focuses on how models of care are designed, paid for and provided across defined geographic areas. KPMG professionals around the world work with their clients to help them understand how an integrated approach can be implemented pragmatically and affordably to drive improvement goals and achieve better health, care, and value.

What good looks like for an integrated care network

At KPMG, we believe there are nine key traits that describe “what good looks like” for an integrated care network.

Healthcare traits network graphic

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