Smart CDDa KPMG Product

KYC compliance made easy

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Data-driven end-to-end protection

Transform Customer Due Diligence for you and your customers. Using our automated ‘out of the box’ solution, you save time and effort with a platform that handles every aspect of the customer journey.

Why choose Smart CDD?

Trust in data

Our data-led, robust approach includes a 360° customer view, clear audit trails and evidentiary decision-making for the Regulator.

Improved experiences

Enhanced digital outreach process and a dedicated point of contact means improved experiences for you and your customers.

Plan ahead

Cost certainty with KYC software that’s compliant with regulatory requirements and pre-configured to industry standards.

Onboarding efficiency

End-to-end done quicker, more efficiently and more successfully. Streamline processes, reduce response times and faster, more successful onboarding.

Drive value

Quality checking and quality assurance built into the smart workflow, leveraging an industry-leading quality framework and deep financial crime expertise.

Go configure

Unlike other know your customer software solutions, Smart CDD Integration and configuration with multiple systems for better, more informed decision making for your business.

Market insight


Potential cost reductions in KYC compliance


degree view of the customer


billion UK firms spend annually on dedicated financial crime staff

source: FCA Financial Crime: analysis of firms’ 2017 – 2020 REP-CRIM data

Smart CDD

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