India’s new GST: the countdown is on

India’s new GST: the countdown is on

Learn how India’s new GST is likely to apply and what businesses with operations in the region should do in the short time frame to prepare.

India's new GST

After 10 years of effort, India’s new Goods and Services Tax (GST) seems set to take effect on 1 July 2017, ushering in one of the most significant reforms in the country’s history. But even though the tax has been at least a decade in the making, detailed rules have only started being published recently. Many businesses in India have been left with little time to understand their new obligations and get ready to comply.

GST implementation is likely to have impact across a company’s operations, from cash flow to supply chain to people, systems and processes. Planning for the transition offers an excellent opportunity for organizations to take a transformative approach, assessing and realigning business models to drive efficiencies, gain competitive edge and boost profits.

In this article, you’ll learn how the tax is likely to apply and what businesses with operations in India should be doing in the short timeframe to get ready.

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