Global Conversion Services: converting to International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) and US GAAP

Global Conversion Services

KPMG professionals provide support to clients for public offering, transition to UFRS/US GAAP or compliance to changes in current standarts.

KPMG supports to clients for public offering, transition to UFRS/US GAAP.

Our global experience shows that the first implementation of IFRS or US GAAP leads to a significant challenge for the affected companies. IFRS / US GAAP conversion is usually more than just an accounting exercise; effective on the entire organization, including systems, processes and even business models.KPMG's IFRS / US GAAP Conversion services can benefit to;

  • First time adopters converting to IFRS (e.g. Companies subject to requirements of New Turkish Commercial Code)
  • Existing IFRS or USGAAP preparers currently considering the proposed changes to the standards
  • Undergoing or have undergone mergers or acquisitions
  • Planning an initial public offering may consider KPMG's Global Conversion Services.  

KPMG helps clients understand how the changes in the standards affect their financial statements and assist them in making complex accounting policy decisions required. 

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Head of Financial Management and Reporting Services