

KPMG Academy Tunisia organizes professional events and seminars across the region.

KPMG Business Academy organizes professional events and seminars across the region.

Professional training programs

Our approach is focused on quality delivery. The ability to leverage KPMG’s deep understanding of various business sectors, the professionalism with which we approach our work and our experience in providing training globally qualifies us to help professionals.
Tailored, industry-specific courses

We understand that every organization is different. KPMG provides customized industry training that focus on areas that are relevant to you. Key focus areas are agreed, and training is then customized to meet your objectives and needs.
Continuing professional education

We support the constant improvement of  professionals throughout their careers, by offering a range of courses to enhance their skills at open events, in-depth training programs, updates, and seminars. We issue KPMG certificates for successful participants to add value to their continuing professional education portfolios.

On-the-job learning

Our internship programs offer young professionals a unique opportunity to get first-hand experience of working with some of KPMG’s most prominent clients. Our secondment programs are specifically designed to transfer KPMG knowledge, experience and global leading practice into a client environment.

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