Evolving the tax function of the future

In today’s complex tax landscape, technology and innovation can be the difference between a tax department that is on the defensive, a department that is simply keeping pace and one that is proactively building a proud tax narrative inside and outside of the organization.

KPMG’s Digital Gateway for Tax, powered by Microsoft Azure and built on the cloud, provides tax leaders with one-stop access technology-driven solutions, including KPMG’s suite of tax technologies and supporting services, industry news and current KPMG Tax thought leadership.

Learn more below.


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KPMG Digital Gateway for Tax

An expansive global platform to help tackle today's tax issues through technology.

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Case studies: KPMG Digital Gateway for Indirect Tax

This video series will explore what KPMG Digital Gateway has to offer your tax department when it comes to Indirect Tax.




Why work with KPMG in Thailand

KPMG in Thailand, with more than 2,000 professionals offering Audit and Assurance, Legal, Tax, and Advisory services, is a member firm of the KPMG global organization of independent member firms affiliated with KPMG International Limited, a private English company limited by guarantee.