Martinus tops customer experience table in Slovakia

Martinus tops customer experience table in Slovakia

According to a latest KPMG Customer Experience study, the network of bookshops Martinus is a champion in meeting expectations of its customers, followed by Panta Rhei, Yves Rocher, Lidl and last year's winner Regiojet. These companies understand best what the needs of their clients are, value them, offer them relevant products and services, know how to help them and are friendly and decent at the same time.


Customer Experience study is a unique study based on mapping the experiences of Slovak customers with the brands they interacted with in the past 6 months. The testimonies of 2,800 respondents from all over Slovakia were evaluated by the unique six pillars methodology developed by KPMG Nunwood.

Best brands from previous year have kept top positions also in this year's edition. This year absolute winner Martinus has improved its position by one place compared to the previous year. Martinus has reached the highest score in each of the six reviewed pillars. More than half of the respondents who visited Martinus are his promoters. It means that they really love the brand, praise it and recommend it to friends.

“We try to give the “Martinus spirit” to everything we do. We often go beyond usual practices just to satisfy our customers' wishes. Their joy is proof for us that we are doing a good job,” stated Juraj Šlesar, the marketing manager in Martinus.

The overall customer experience in Slovakia has slightly improved compared to the previous year. From a sectoral perspective, the entertainment sector and the leisure sector lead in the area of client experience. Netflix, Cinemax, Cinema City a made it into Top 50. Slovak consumers appreciate companies that offer above-standard service, employ friendly staff and act quickly, efficiently, simply and without unnecessary obstacles as well.

The results of the KPMG study showed that the most important factors regarding customer experience in Slovakia is personalization and integrity. Understanding and adapting to the needs and feelings of the client is one of the most important attribute of customer experience. The Slovak customer is sensitive when perceiving the environment in which they buy. Therefore, an understanding of the customer and their satisfaction are now directly linked to the company´s commercial success.

„Top customer experience attracts satisfied and faithful customers, brings economic growth and plays a key role in competitive differentiation,“ noted Karin Nemčeková, CX team leader, KPMG in Slovakia.

About the Study

KPMG Nunwood, the Customer Experience Excellence Center, is the world's largest think-tank focused on customer experience. Every year, it evaluates the best brands in the world and compiles the top 100 providing the best customer service. Each outstanding customer experience can be measured by the unique six-pillar metric - The Six PillarsTM. This methodology was used for the second time in Slovakia. The data collection took place in the second half of 2018. The experience with 120 brands in 10 sectors was described by 2,800 respondents from all over Slovakia, creating 35,000 unique ratings.

© 2024 KPMG Slovensko spol. s r.o., a Slovak limited liability company and a member firm of the KPMG global organization of independent member firms affiliated with KPMG International Limited, a private English company limited by guarantee. All rights reserved.


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