"We know how to convert a challenge to an opportunity"

Carina Segersten leads a team in the Technology Transformation department in charge of KPMG’s SAP services and offerings in Sweden, Latvia and Lithuania. In this interview, you get to know her view on tech transformation and what she recognizes as key success factors.

What does technology transformation mean to you?

Carina: For me, technology transformation means how to move from one point to another enabled by technology. To empower with innovation and change, are other words that come to my mind. However, transformation is not a purpose or goal in itself; it is rather about the value it creates for organizations, clients, employees, etc.

"Today, one factor of innovation is that it must be sustainable, otherwise it will never last."


Why would an organization choose to work with KPMG on tech-enabled transformation?

Carina: Because of the people! A tech-enabled transformation requires competent people who knows what needs to be done, how to do it and can execute on it in a professional way, supporting the organization all the way from strategy to implementation. We have these people within our company, colleagues with deep and broad expertise within the technologies for the future. In combination with our sector and function specialists we have a team that can do magic. As an example, we know what best-practice within risk is, so let’s add best-practice in tech to support the clients in their transformations.

How can KPMG’s collaboration and partnership with the biggest tech firms make a lasting difference to business transformation?

Carina: I’m convinced that tech companies such as our alliances, will continue to drive innovation for a better future, and so are we with the strong capabilities we possess. Today, one factor of innovation is that it must be sustainable, otherwise it will never last. We also co-innovate with our alliances on a continuous basis, based on needs and requirements from the market and our common clients. This way of collaborating means that we can support the change that the market is going through in an even better way.

In your view, how does working at KPMG make a difference?

Carina: By combining the right people with the latest technology. There is such a strength in working with the right individuals that have the right competencies. We also work with the best clients and have a strong alignment with our alliances – this means that we can make a real impact. Since we have a close connection with the market, we know what changes are happening or are in the making, so we know how to face and drive them. It is rather cool to be part of such important, business critical projects. It feels like what we do really matters and that we are in the front seat. We know how to convert challenges to opportunities – opportunities that will help the clients succeed and continue do what they do best.

How do you help clients meet the challenges of large-scale transformation?

Carina: To start with, we are a very local global company. If I don’t have the answer to any challenge that my/our clients are facing, I can get support from any of my 265 000 colleagues globally. By sharing best practice, knowledge and experiences we can make sure to not only deliver, but also succeed in large scale transformations. Transformation heavily involves tech, but at the center of it are people! It is really all about change and making sure to involve all the different parts of an organization to make it succeed.

What does tech-enabled transformation look like for today’s business leaders?

Carina: Maybe I’m biased here but I really don’t think there is any kind of organizational change that isn’t tech-enabled; therefore today’s business leaders cannot skip out on being up to date on what is happening in the technology space with regards to their business, industry and markets. Fortunately for them we at KPMG have the experts that are always updated and can help bring clarity to a somewhat complex matter.


KPMG global tech report 2023

Keeping pace with evolving technology trends remains vital to business growth. Despite the headwinds of global economic uncertainty, Digital transformation leaders that are committed to their innovation priorities continue to realise value at pace.

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