KPMG Advisory closed the sale of 100% of the shares in Optical Network

KPMG Advisory closed the sale of Optical Network

KPMG Advisory announces the closing of the sale of 100% of the shares in Optical Network, the leading retailer and a dominant distributor on the Romanian optical market.


Director, Marketing

KPMG in Romania


KPMG Advisory acted as M&A sell-side advisor to the shareholders of Optical Network. The team was led by Bogdan Văduva, Partner, Head of Deal Advisory, assisted by George Dumitrașcu, Director, Andra Mihalcea, Associate Manager, and Bianca Mitroi, Senior Consultant. The buyer is Innova Capital, one of the leading private equities in CEE.

“We are proud that we have contributed to the successful closing of this transaction. We once again thank the shareholders of Optical Network for the trust granted during this important transaction for the retail and optical sectors in Romania. With the largest chain of retail stores in Romania, Optical Network is well-positioned to continue to tap the growth potential of the optical market, which is expected to further consolidate”, stated Bogdan Văduva.

“The Romanian M&A market has experienced significant activity in recent years, on the back of robust economic growth, attracting increasing interest from both strategic players and major investment funds. Through our dedication and professionalism, we are committed to assisting shareholders in exploiting the significant value that has been built up over the years in their companies. We find it rewarding to be able to add the 9th successful sell-side deal in 3 years to our portfolio”, added Bogdan Văduva.

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