Tax incentives for R&D

Tax incentives for R&D

Investment in R&D is a key factor which drives and strengthens competiveness, boosts employment, compensates market failures and ultimately contributes to achieving sustainable economic growth and development.

Ramona Jurubiță

Country Managing Partner

KPMG in Romania


Romania recognises that R&D is a national priority and has a critical role in supporting sustainable economic development. The National Strategy for Research, Development and Innovation for the period 2014-2020 has consequently established the ambitious objective of private R&D investment reaching 1% of GDP by 2020.

Hence, Romania has increased the number of R&D tax incentives available, expanding the opportunities for Romanian companies. However, there is, as yet, only relatively limited guidance on the applicability of the R&D tax incentives. Moreover, this frequently changes, as does the practice of the tax authorities during audits.

Consequently, close analysis needs to be carried out before a company opts to apply these tax incentives. Considering our extensive experience advising clients on this issue, KPMG in Romania is in a strong position to assist you in relation to the application of the available incentives.

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