The digital age — the women’s era

The digital age — the women’s era

Results of a worldwide survey of nearly 700 female leaders


Studies show that gender diversity has a positive effect on corporate success. Mixed teams are more successful because they consider different experiences and perspectives.

The 2018 KPMG Global Female Leaders Outlook, reveals how global female leaders from 42 countries and territories assess future economic developments, the challenges of digitalisation and their personal career development.

Key findings of the Female Leaders Outlook in the Philippines include:


  • Filipina leaders are 86% percent confident in growth of the Philippines
  • 100 percent of the Filipina respondents agree that they need to improve their innovation processes and execution over the next three years


  • 83 percent of the Filipina leaders see technological disruption as an opportunity than a threat
  • 80 percent of women leaders in the Philippines initiate disruptions in their sectors


  • 93 percent see protecting customer data as their biggest and most important responsibility in expanding their customer base

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