At KPMG, we developed a framework and associated model to support clients in strategizing and setting up a Product-as-a-Service (PaaS) business model and associated revenue model(s). Revenue models include pay-per-use, rent, lease and sell-and-buy-back. For more information, please refer to our Circular Revenue Models publication. Also available in Dutch.

What is the service about?

Support clients in strategizing and setting up a (pilot) PaaS business model, servicing an organizational transition from product to a service based. It creates financial value (e.g. sustainable, recurring revenues), as well as social and environmental value (e.g. extended lifetime of product/materials, less materials used, job creation).

How does this work?

Together, we will first determine the scope of the business model transformation (e.g. product, business unit). Next, we will align with the existing strategy to integrate PaaS. Furthermore, we will build a (financial) PaaS model, in order to be able to run scenarios on different pricing strategies.

Who is it for?

This service helps frontrunners and sustainability leaders seeking to pilot or expand the servitisation of their business, creating financial, social ánd environmental value.

What is included?

A process, supported by KPMG experts, and an excel based tool and dashboard, that helps you in determining how to implement a PaaS business model.

Do you want to know more about PaaS?

For questions, please contact Arnoud Walrecht or Suzanne Kuiper.

Find out how KPMG's expertise can help you and your company

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