Information is knowledge. In a world in which the quantity of available data is growing all the time, it is essential to communicate a single truth that is understandable to different target groups. By creating more insights from data, a business can gain a better understanding of market behaviour, improve the efficiency of primary/other processes or promote innovation. Data insights act as a compass that helps the company navigate to the next action it chooses to take; not only creating an important competitive advantage but also monitoring and improving business performance.

Uniformising data and transforming it into insights

Business Intelligence (BI) is an end-to-end process from harmonising data to enriching business insights with extensive visualisations. The aims of our adaptive approach include uniformising data and transforming it into insights, developing a BI vision, democratising data by means of self-service reporting solutions, configuring the appropriate data governance and enhancing data literacy and a data-driven culture within the organisation.

KPMG Business intelligence framework as the foundation

KPMG helps businesses generate value and insights from data with the right technology, processes and people. We do so based on the KPMG BI Framework.

Our diverse BI team, incorporating skills ranging from developing a Data & Analytics strategy and embedding a data-driven culture to conducting data analyses and configuring the right data architecture, offers our customers support throughout the pathway to increased data drivenness and securing relevant business insights. 

Contact our specialists

Keesjan van Unen

Partner, Data & Analytics, Business Intelligence
E :

Berber Goedhart

Director, Data & Analytics, Business Intelligence
E :

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