Wage supplement – Updated Annexes

Wage supplement – Updated Annexes

Malta Enterprise issued a revised list of NACE code categories of businesses eligible for the wage supplement for the period July to September 2020.


As from July 2020 the wage supplement parameters have been adjusted as announced by Government during the presentation of the Economic Recovery Plan. For the purpose, Malta Enterprise has issued a revised list of NACE code categories applicable for the period July to September 2020 – Annex A, Annex B, Annex C. Such replace the previous Annex A and Annex B that had been applicable until the end of June 2020.

The revised Annex A covers businesses dependent on tourism (such as tourist accommodation, travel agencies, English learning schools, event organisers and air transport). For such businesses the wage supplement will remain unchanged until the end of September i.e. €800/month for full-time employees and €500/month for part-time employees;

Annex B covers businesses dependent on local demand and includes certain manufacturing, processing, wholesale and retail activities, printing, media and publishing, services related to goods handling and transportation and cleaning services. Certain personal services like hairdressers, beauty and physical well-being have been moved from the previously applicable Annex A to the current Annex B. Annex B businesses will receive a gross supplement as detailed in the table hereunder:

Gross Supplement

Annex C covers all other activities previously supported but which are not included in either Annex A or Annex B. For such businesses the wage supplement is of €600/month for full-time employees and €375 per month for part-time employees.

In addition, as from July, previously ineligible pensioners and students duly registered as employed with JobsPlus since 9 March, may now also be considered for the Wage supplement. These individuals may be added via a specific link in the update email that Malta Enterprise will send to current beneficiaries for July.

Should you have any queries or wish to discuss further, please send an email to covid@kpmg.com.mt.

Wage Supplement - Updated Annexes

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