Launch of COVID-19 R&D Fund

Launch of COVID-19 R&D Fund

Following the EU’s approval of Malta’s €5.3m R&D scheme, MCST launched a ‘COVID-19 R&D Fund’ through which grants will be given for eligible projects.


Further to the approval by the European Commission of Malta’s €5.3million R&D scheme, on 23rd April the Malta Council for Science and Technology (MCAST) launched the ‘COVID-19 R&D Fund’. The Fund is a mechanism through which cash grants will be given to eligible applicants, i.e. public, academic and private entities, undertaking R&D projects with outcomes addressing innovative and/or improved approaches with regards to current and/or future infectious disease prevention, control and contain the spread and other antiviral relevant research.

The R&D project proposals should be novel and not correspond with ongoing or completed projects funded by other instruments, programmes or projects.

Eligible projects, including those projects having received a COVID-19 specific Seal of Excellence under the Horizon 2020 SME-instrument, are those projects that have started on or after 1 February 2020, but not later than 31 December 2020. The duration of the project should be a maximum of 18 months.

Successful proposals will see Maltese entities entering into a Grant Agreement with MCST and Malta Enterprise, the administrators of this incentive.

The Fund shall operate as an open call. Successful applications will be implemented as projects and will be awarded until all amounts in the Fund have been exhausted, or the duration of the incentive has elapsed, whichever is sooner.

The rules for participation for the COVID-19 R&D Fund may be found through the links hereunder (from MCST’s website). It has been announced that the call for applications will follow shortly through the publication of the Application Form and other relevant documentation.

National Rules COVID-19 Fund State Aid

National Rules COVID-19 Fund Non-State Aid

Should you have any queries or wish to discuss further, please send an email to

Launch of COVID-19 R&D Fund

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