Funds Management Update 2016

Funds Management Update 2016

Unleashing the potential of KiwiSaver.

Coin jar with plant growing

The second edition of Funds Management Industry Update, which includes several articles that highlight the strengths and gaps of our Funds management industry, is now available to download.

A key theme in the latest report, is the growing need to adapt to the changing interactions of our customers, to enable a step change in improving the education of New Zealanders around their investment needs. The document also highlights the need for investors to be more engaged in developing their own retirement plans.

The report highlights the impact of digital disruption, which is driving the continuous need to make everything ‘one-click-away’. To ensure we keep financial planning and long term savings top-of-mind, we need to tailor communication and methods of engagement to the customers’ needs.
A major theme also identified in this edition of Funds Management Update, is the explosion of operational risk. There is a realisation that what you are doing must not only be based around disclosure of your actions, but it must actually be for the benefit of your clients and you need to be able to demonstrate that.

The rewards of providers and investors adapting to this speed of change, taking more interest in their plans and ensuring plans are tailored to their needs will be improved financial literacy and a nation that can provide for its self in retirement.

Download the full Funds Management Update report.

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