The Future of HR 2019: in the Know or in the No

The Future of HR 2019: in the Know or in the No

The gulf between action and inertia

The gulf between action and inertia

Today’s employers face a daunting array of historic challenges as they speed into a digital economy that’s already transforming businesses and the traditional human resources (HR) functions that serve them. 

Our latest survey of 1,200 global HR executives exposes a clear gulf between action and inertia. HR change is inevitable; KPMG International’s new Future of HR global study reveals that HR leaders have conflicting attitudes and approaches to this change.

Forward-looking HR leaders are confidently harnessing the resources and insights that will redefine the traditional HR model and its contribution to the enterprise.

They are following strategic plans and implementing new technologies such as analytics, digital labor and artificial intelligence. And they are pursuing the critical new skills needed to succeed in the digital age.

But we also see a much larger segment of less-confident HR leaders who are demonstrating either an unsustainable, wait-and-see approach to change – or simply sitting idle on the sidelines.

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