


KPMGコンサルティング株式会社(本社:東京都千代田区、代表取締役社長 兼 CEO:宮原 正弘、以下、KPMGコンサルティング)は、企業におけるカーボンニュートラルの実現に向け、各ScopeのGHG(温室効果ガス)排出量のデータの収集から分析・開示、削減施策の実行まで、カーボンマネジメントのライフサイクル全体を包括的に管理し、戦略的な意思決定を支援する、カーボンマネジメント構築支援サービスの提供を開始しました。


本サービスの提供にあたっては、KPMGがカーボンニュートラルを実現するためのフレームワークとして考案した、Climate Accounting Infrastructureを最大限活用することで、GHG排出量のデータ収集から分析・開示、削減施策の実行までカーボンマネジメントのライフサイクル全体をカバーし、規制や開示要求が刻々と変化する状況においても、データに基づいた戦略的な意思決定を可能とするオペレーティングモデルの構築を支援します。

なお、Climate Accounting Infrastructureを支えるデジタルプラットフォームの構築にあたっては、Microsoft※1「Microsoft Cloud for Sustainability」、Salesforce※2「Net Zero Cloud」、SINAI Technologies※3「SINAI Decarbonization Intelligence Platform」、アスエネ※4「アスゼロ」など、企業のニーズに合わせ最適なソリューションを活用します。これにより、各種データの透明性と信頼性を確保するとともに、リスクマネジメントなどさまざまな領域におけるデータの利活用も可能になります。

【カーボンニュートラルを実現するフレームワーク Climate Accounting Infrastructure】



※1 Microsoftは、米国 Microsoft Corporation の米国及びその他の国における登録商標または商標です。
※2 Salesforce および Salesforce ロゴは, inc.の登録商標です。
※3 SINAIは、SINAI Technologies Inc.(本社:米国サンフランシスコ、CEO:Maria Fujihara)の会社名、およびSINAIが保有するソリューションの総称です。
※4 アスエネは、アスエネ株式会社(本社:東京都港区、代表取締役CEO:西和田 浩平)の会社名です。

Microsoft「Microsoft Cloud for Sustainability」 について

Microsoftが提供する「Microsoft Cloud for Sustainability」は、企業や組織の環境・社会・ガバナンス (ESG:Environment・Social・Governance)への取組みを支援する新しいクラウドサービスです。 Microsoft Cloudが提供する機能とグローバルなパートナーエコシステムのソリューションを組み合わせることにより、サステナビリティとビジネスの成長を加速できるようにします。

Salesforce「Net Zero Cloud」 について

Salesforceが提供する「Net Zero Cloud」は、企業の環境データを迅速に収集・分析・報告して、温室効果ガス排出量削減につなげる製品です。

SINAI Technologies 「SINAI Decarbonization Intelligence Platform」について

SINAI Technologiesが提供する「SINAI Decarbonization Intelligence Platform」は、グローバル企業が詳細な環境・財務データを用いて脱炭素化のリスクと機会を分析、予測、モデル化することを可能にする、脱炭素化インテリジェンスプラットフォームです。

アスエネ 「アスゼロ」について




KPMG Consulting Launches Carbon Management System Establishment Support Service

TOKYO, December 22nd, 2022 — KPMG Consulting Co. Ltd, (headquartered in Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo; Masahiro Miyahara, President & CEO; hereinafter "KPMG Consulting") has launched a carbon management system establishment support service to help companies achieve carbon neutrality. The service comprehensively support to manages the entire lifecycle of carbon management, from data collection, analysis, and disclosure of GHG (greenhouse gas) emissions for each scope, to implementation of reduction measures, and supports strategic decision-making.

In recent years, companies have been accelerating their efforts to decarbonize, while at the same time increasing the rigor of their disclosure requirements. In particular, the requirements for GHG emission reductions, including those in the supply chain, are rapidly increasing, and companies are expected to continue their efforts toward decarbonizing their operations over the next several decades. The establishment of a decarbonization data reliability and management platform will identify and visualize GHG emission sources and amounts, improve the reliability of reduction targets in the roadmap, accurately identify reduction opportunities, regularly monitor and disclose the effects of implemented reduction measures, and make effective investment decisions.

In providing this service, KPMG will make maximum use of the Climate Accounting Infrastructure, developed by KPMG as a decarbonization data reliability and management platform of services for emissions reduction. The service covers the entire carbon management lifecycle, from GHG emissions data collection, analysis, and disclosure to implementation of reduction measures, and also supports the creation of an operating model that enables strategic, data-driven decision-making even in the face of ever-changing regulations and disclosure requirements.

In building a digital platform to support Climate Accounting Infrastructure, we will utilize the most appropriate solution for each company's needs, such as Microsoft*1 "Microsoft Cloud for Sustainability ", Salesforce*2 "Net Zero Cloud", SINAI Technologies*3 "SINAI Decarbonization Intelligence Platform", and Asuene*4 “Asuzero”. This will ensure transparency and reliability of various types of data, and enable data utilization in various areas such as risk management.

【Framework for Carbon Management Climate Accounting Infrastructure】


KPMG Consulting has maximized its extensive advisory experience in climate change, decarbonization, and energy expertise, regulatory and disclosure compliance, strategy development, and operational reform, risk management and governance, and digital platform development. Furthermore, by working closely with KPMG International experts in over 60 countries, we have provided comprehensive support for "business transformation," "technology transformation," and "risk and regulatory compliance" to help companies achieve carbon neutrality, based on the latest global trends and leading practices. By combining digital solutions from Microsoft, Salesforce, SINAI, Asuene, and so on, we will further improve our "implementation capabilities" and provide powerful support for solving complex and multifaceted issues faced by companies.

*1 Microsoft is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries
*2 Salesforce and the Salesforce logo are registered trademarks of, Inc.
*3 SINAI is the name of SINAI Technologies Inc. (Headquarters: San Francisco, USA, CEO: Maria Fujihara) and its solutions
*4 Asuene is the name of Asuene Inc. (Headquarters: Tokyo, Japan, CEO: Kohei Nishiwada)

About Microsoft Cloud for Sustainability

Microsoft Cloud for Sustainability" is a new cloud service offered by Microsoft that supports the environmental, social, and governance (ESG) initiatives of companies and organizations. By combining the capabilities offered by Microsoft Cloud with solutions from our global partner ecosystem, we enable you to accelerate sustainability and business growth.

About Salesforce Net Zero Cloud

Salesforce Net Zero Cloud is a product that enables companies to rapidly collect, analyze, and report environmental data to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

About SINAI Decarbonization Intelligence Platform

SINAI Decarbonization Intelligence Platform is a leading decarbonization intelligence platform that enables global companies to analyze, forecast and model decarbonization risks and opportunities, using detailed environmental and financial data.

About Asuzero

Asuzero is a climate cloud platform for measuring, reporting and reducing carbon emissions for enterprises, and visualizes the emissions throughout the supply chain for Scope 1-3 in the global standardized frameworks, Greenhouse Gas Protocol.

About KPMG Consulting

KPMG Consulting, a member firm of KPMG International, is a consulting firm that supports companies in the three areas of business transformation, technology transformation, and risk and compliance. Our consultants have expertise and extensive experience in strategy development, organization and human resource management, digital transformation, governance, and risk management, and they have a broad range of experience in the finance, insurance, manufacturing, automotive, pharmaceutical/healthcare, energy, information technology and media, services, and public sectors. We provide a wide range of consulting services for industries such as finance, insurance, manufacturing, automotive, pharmaceuticals, healthcare, energy, information, communications, media, services, and public sectors.
