Devoting quality time to strategy and thinking about the future have never been more challenging or important as technology, innovation, and other forces disrupt and undermine business models and strategic assumptions with startling speed and impact.

Lead directors are uniquely positioned to create the “right” level of engagement and facilitate quality boardroom discussions on strategy. KPMG interviewed a number of lead directors to tap into their insights. Those conversations, conducted under the Chatham House Rule, surfaced practical techniques and approaches that all lead directors can apply.

At the end of the day, it’s management’s strategy. But the long-held view that the board’s role is limited to reviewing and concurring with the strategy is giving way to deeper engagement by the board. Increasingly complex and disruptive business conditions demand it, and investors and other stakeholders expect it.

The extent of the board’s engagement in strategy—and the lead director’s role—will vary by company and the lead director’s approach, from a light touch to more active leadership. Read more  three key areas of focus for lead directors as they facilitate their board’s engagement in the strategy process, from strategy development and evaluation to monitoring strategic execution and recalibrating strategy as necessary.

BGF Partner in Charge


Harry Widjaja
Partner, Audit & Assurance Services
KPMG in Indonesia

Harry is a partner in Audit & Assurance Services at KPMG Indonesia. He has more than 17 years of experience in auditing clients, particularly in the automotive, trading and services sectors.​ Harry is now taking the role as the partner in charge of KPMG Indonesia’s Board Governance Forum (BGF). ​Outside KPMG, Harry is a member of the Indonesian Institute of Certified Public Accountants (IAPI). ​