We are excited to announce that the Investing in Indonesia – 1 November 2021 edition is now available. This publication is intended as a general guide to investing and doing business in Indonesia, primarily for new foreign investors looking to enter the Indonesian market. It also serves as a useful reference document for established foreign and domestic investors. Practical insights and other intelligence from KPMG’s experience at the transaction “coalface” and from providing transaction, M&A and tax advisory services to foreign and local investors and lenders can also be found at appropriate junctures in this publication.

The passing of Law No 11 Year 2020 on Job Creation (popularly known as the “Omnibus Law”) marks an important milestone in Indonesia’s effort to attract foreign investment to sustain future economic growth. The Omnibus Law revised 78 existing cross-sectoral laws to establish a coordinated framework in order to create more job opportunities across Indonesia. As of the publication of this report, 51 implementing regulations to the Omnibus Law have been issued. The impact of the Omnibus Law and its implementing regulations is discussed in various chapters of this publication.

This publication is not intended to be a substitute for formal legal, tax or other professional advice. To the best of our knowledge, laws and regulations referred to throughout the document reflect the position as of 1 November 2021, or later where specifically referenced. 

Select the specific topic from the Investing in Indonesia 2021 below:

Chapter 2


Country facts and overview 2021

Chapter 5



Chapter 8


Domestic and Foreign Trade - ASEAN

Chapter 3


Economic Environment

Chapter 6


Business Structures and Establishment

Chapter 9


Labor and Employment

Chapter 4



Chapter 7


Foreign Exchange

Chapter 10



Appendix 1


Investment List

Appendix 2


51 Implementing Regulations to Omnibus Law