We are a global network of experts. We help organisations generate the greatest value by making the best use of data, artificial intelligence and emerging technologies to accelerate digital transformation with powerful platforms, solutions, and enablers.

Together with our alliances, we offer global reach and combined abilities to help solve your most pressing challenges, including sustainable growth, regulatory change, and business protection.

4800+ professionals worldwide

in the KPMG Lighthouse network, all with recognized and award-winning analytical expertise

600+ solutions globally

in the KPMG technology portfolio, tailored to current business challenges and opportunities

40+ internationally acknowledged Hungarian specialists

focusing on four rapidly expanding service areas

Feel free to contact us if you are facing highly complex technology issues. Our expert groups will not only offer technological solutions but will also explore the business opportunities based on a deeper understanding of your situation and challenges, which can then be transformed into action.

KPMG Lighthouse

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Latest thinking

Our role is to bring to bear innovative technologies and processes that translate insights into action. Because when people and technology are in harmony, opportunity is everywhere.

Bill Thomas, KPMG Global Chairman and CEO

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