Transfer pricing is an area of significant interest to the Croatian Tax Authorities

Transfer pricing is an area of significant interest

To be ready and compliant with Croatian law, transfer pricing documentation must be prepared in a timely manner.

Transfer pricing

If your company has undertaken transactions with related parties during 2019, it has the following compliance obligations:

1. Prepare a transfer pricing study – this study documents whether transactions with related parties were undertaken in accordance with the arm’s length principle. It should be prepared by the time the annual corporate income tax return for 2019 will be due for submission and would be presented to the Croatian Tax Authorities upon request.

2. Prepare and submit a PD-IPO form
– this form provides information on the types and values of related party transactions and must be submitted together with the annual corporate income tax return for 2019; and

3. Prepare and submit the Notification on Country-by-Country Report
– companies that are part of a multinational group may be required to submit such notification by the deadline for submission of the annual corporate income tax return for 2019.

The Transfer Pricing Team of KPMG Croatia d.o.o. is dedicated to assisting your company with completing all of the above requirements. We would provide you with a specialized service based on an intimate knowledge of the relevant legislation and our extensive experience in working in a broad range of industries and our close working relationship with the Croatian Tax Authorities.

Our team will work with your team to meet all your transfer pricing reporting requirements in a timely and effective manner.

Please contact us to set up a meeting to determine the specific needs of your company:

Tomislav Borošak                                
Taxation Services                        

+385 91 4666 471                                 

Lana Pavić
Assistant Manager
Taxation Services

+385 91 4668 249

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