

Remaining Strong

Remaining Strong

In an era where change is the constant and employees’ commitment to the ongoing new realities is the prerequisite, successful organizations invest in the building blocks of resilience at the individual and at the team level. Resilience is the capacity of bouncing back from an adversity or challenge, a quality that can be developed overtime with the enhancement of skills such as adaptability, realistic thinking, positive stance, self-care, and wellbeing.

Today’s organizations are resilient. They invest in the psychological education of their talent with the aim of empowering them mentally, bodily, and emotionally. Their skillset is broadened with knowledge and practices that boost their ability to adapt to and overcome the continuous pressures for flexibility required for success within the new ways of work.


  • Personal and Professional Stress Management

  • Workplace Relationships: The art of assertive communications

  • Career Management: Transitioning to a new role 

  • Building Resilience 

  • Emotional Intelligence (EQ)

  • Time Management

  • Building Self-Confidence and Positive Stance

  • Mindfulness: Scheduling in the Present Moment 

Find out more about Seminars on Resilience (available in greek) or e-mail us.

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