Better business reporting

Better business reporting

Providing investors with a longer term perspective on business performance through your narrative reporting / MD&A.

Providing investors with a longer term perspective on business performance.

Do you recognise the business presented in your Annual Report / 10K? Does it really tell your investors whether you’ve had a good year? Corporate reporting is evolving to provide investors with a broader perspective on business performance to address these questions. Whether you’re trying to stay ahead of reporting requirements, or just want to give a better account of your business’s performance, our Better Business Reporting Group can help you to align your reporting with what’s important to your business.

Narrative reporting content in Annual Reports / 10Ks – the ‘MD&A’ - is receiving growing focus from investors and regulators alike. Preparers are increasingly being asked to focus on the matters most relevant to the future of their business, rather than following a list of prescribed disclosures. The result is much greater emphasis on the business model and strategy as a basis for reporting. But building a report around your business strategy can be daunting without the comfort-blanket of a disclosure checklist. For those that succeed, the potential reward is a more concise report that is focused on the key drivers of business value – one that is better equipped to support an effective investor dialogue. We look at what makes a good report.

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