As tax becomes more complex, it is increasingly important for companies to ensure that their tax compliance processes are robust

As tax becomes more complex, and tax authorities more active in audits and investigations, it is increasingly important for companies to ensure that their compliance processes are robust. Many companies do not have the skills and resources in house to ensure compliance.

KPMG tax advisers are sure that it is wiser to try and prevent problems than solve them later in tax disputes. We have an experienced team who can take over the day-to-day tax compliance requirements of your company, ensuring that the process is undertaken effectively and efficiently.

Addressing your needs 

  • We assist you in preparing enquiries and requests for binding rulings to the tax authority in order to avoid tax risks.
  • We help you analyse the circumstances and suggest a plan for further action if you and your tax authority are in dispute. If law and regulations are ambiguous, we assist you in finding the most efficient course of action.
  • We help you challenge administrative acts or file a suit if an out-of-court settlement proves impossible. 
  • We help you achieve tax compliance even in unusual transactions and in cases where statutory provisions are ambiguous. 
  • Our tax advisers assist you in submitting enquiries to the Ministry of Finance. 
  • We help you with the documentation to be prepared for a tax investigation.
  • During the investigation, our tax advisers help you respond to the tax authority's questions.
  • Our tax advisers can represent you in a tax litigation, if necessary.