Your entrepreneurial environment is characterised by the following challenges:

  • National and international business models and markets
  • A wide variety of market participants and stakeholders with different interests
  • Numerous legal and regulatory requirements in the national and international environment

Your goal is to act successfully, sustainably and in compliance with regulations. Managers, supervisory bodies and compliance officers in all sectors are faced with an environment that is increasingly difficult to coordinate. 

But: What actually is compliance - and why do we need it?

In the narrower sense, the term compliance means adherence to the law by companies and their employees. Increasing regulatory requirements, the convergence of global regulations or more complex business processes are enormous challenges, not only for companies but also for their stakeholders. The increase in new regulations affects almost every part of a company's business activities and strategic decisions.

In terms of content, however, compliance encompasses much more than legal compliance, rule monitoring or adherence to internal company regulations: Currently, for example, aspects of tax law are also being discussed under the catchword "tax compliance" and questions of product liability are being discussed in the context of "product compliance".

Numerous recent changes in the law continue to have an impact on the question of how companies design their own processes to meet new requirements, for example:

  • What does the EU General Data Protection Regulation mean for my company? How do I integrate these requirements into the CMS - and where are the fines for possible violations? 
  • We are internationally active - shouldn't we take even more care to fight corruption and with whom do we actually do business?
  • What measures should our internal tax compliance system include?
  • How can compliance be best integrated into M&A processes? We train our employees - but do we have a good corporate culture and how secure is the integrity of all involved?

Can one organisation ensure the observance of so many compliance areas in an internationally oriented company - and if so, how? What can an effective organisational structure and process organisation look like that identifies this multitude of compliance risks transparently, evaluates them comprehensibly and manages them efficiently? And: Is it even possible to manage this efficiently? Finally, the demonstrable auditing and certification of compliance structures is increasingly demanded by stakeholders - but what quality standards can be used to have this done? 

We have understood that successful, sustainable and compliant are not contradictory. KPMG offers a wide range of services in connection with compliance issues. Feel free to contact us: Our contact persons are at your side and offer you individual solutions.

Further Information (in German only)