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Online platforms are firmly established in our everyday lives. We use them to consume media or to shop. The health sector is also relying more and more on platforms. The advantages are obvious: platforms are easily accessible and enable unprecedented speed in the dissemination and collection of information. 

A networked healthcare system will increasingly use digital platforms in the future. This should ensure a faster and more effective exchange between patients and health professionals.

Data as the basis for modern medical research

Core topics of the digitalisation strategy in the health sector are, for example, the electronic patient file and the e-prescription. Both are to become standard in the foreseeable future. But what does the use of common digital platforms mean for the health sector? After all, we are talking here about very personal and sensitive data that are being requested. This is one of the questions we address in the current issue of the Gesundheitsbarometer. We analyse why data is the basis for modern medical research and describe how standardisation can overcome individual IT solutions.

Good platforms are also created through strong cooperation

In the interviews in the current issue, you will gain valuable insights into how experts from the sector approach the topic of platform use and what experiences they have already had with it. For example, Vera Lux, Director of Nursing at the Hanover Medical School, explains how the topics of platforms and cooperation are viewed from the perspective of nursing, while Michael Hübner, Division Manager of Outpatient Care at BARMER, explains the perspective of the statutory health insurance funds.

Good platforms are also created through meaningful and strong cooperations. Axel Schulz, Programme Manager at Gematik, talks in the Gesundheitsbarometer about which cooperations the company has entered into to advance the topic. Schulz classifies what Gematik expects from the cooperation and he describes how the society has already benefited.

You can download the current issue of the Gesundheitsbarometer now.

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