Holger Wußler

Partner, Financial Services

KPMG AG Wirtschaftsprüfungsgesellschaft

Holger Wußler is a specialist in the field of internal reporting for financial service providers and advises numerous banks on how to meet the requirements of BCBS 239 and increase the efficiency/digitisation of internal reporting. For several years, his focus has been on the functional conception and technical implementation of sustainable reporting solutions. The fields of action range from content-related aspects of active, integrated and addressee-oriented reporting to the transformation of processes through consistent leveraging of automation potential and the use of technologies such as BI, D&A or RPA.

He has extensive expertise in both the centralisation/outsourcing of reporting and in the area of access to information from mobile dashboards to the area of voice assistants and intuitive information designs. Other focal points of his professional career included implementation projects in regulatory reporting, economic risk management as well as in the support of supervisory approval procedures and special audits on Basel II and MaRisk. In addition, Holger Wußler has several years of line experience with regard to ICAAP management and internal risk reporting.

  • Audit Qualität
  • Aufsicht, Kontrolle und Risikoeinschätzung der Finanzabteilung
  • Business Intelligence
  • Familienunternehmen und Mittelstand
  • Financial Reporting[en_us]
  • Internationale Märkte
  • Nationale Märkte
  • Risikoanalyse und -auswertung
  • Risikomanagement
  • Robotik
  • Diplom-Kaufmann