Dr. Alexander Ebering

Partner, Tax, Coordinator Tax Region Southwest - Global Transfer Pricing Services

KPMG AG Wirtschaftsprüfungsgesellschaft

As the regional tax coordinator for the Southwest region, I am always available to you as a contact person for all tax issues and, together with my colleagues, offer you suitable solutions for your tax challenges.  

My personal consulting focus is on transfer pricing. Together with my highly experienced team of transfer pricing experts, I support you in the planning, implementation and documentation of your transfer pricing. With our extensive experience from many tax audits and (pre-) mutual agreement procedures, we accompany you every step of the way to enforce and defend your transfer pricing system. In my professional work, it is particularly important for me to offer defensible, tax-efficient, understandable and pragmatic solutions that meet the respective requirements and possibilities of my clients.

  • Dr. rer. pol. (Cologne)

  • Dipl.-Volkswirt (Bonn)

  • Regional Coordinator Tax Region Southwest