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Circularity will become non-negotiable in a world where resources are finite, and the climate emergency is pressing. A circular economy is a model of production and consumption, which involves sharing, leasing, reusing, repairing, refurbishing, and recycling existing materials and products for as long as possible. KPMG in India’s circular economy advisory offers a full suite of services and solutions.  

  • Research and trends analysis: Through data analytics and engaging stakeholders, KPMG can help you to map the impact of circular economy principles on your industry sector.
  • Opportunity identification: KPMG in India can help you to identify circular economy risks and opportunities through modelling, core competency analysis and market scans.
  • Strategy development: KPMG in India can help you to develop a circular economy strategy which leverages competencies within your organisation.
  • Strategy implementation: KPMG in India can help you execute your circular strategy and guide you in monitoring, tracking and reporting on performance.
  • Circular advantage programme: KPMG in India’s capacity building programme will help your company to design circular economy strategies while exploring collaborative opportunities with other vanguard firms.

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