Safeguarding refers to the measures an organisation takes to protect and promote the safety and wellbeing of people, especially children, young people and vulnerable adults.

Safeguarding incorporates the systems, processes and policies, or the proactive measures taken, to keep vulnerable people safe.

Community and regulators have grown to expect a higher standard and transparency than ever before. Royal Commissions, including the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse, Royal Commission into Aged Care Quality and Safety, Royal Commission into Family Violence and Royal Commission into Violence, Abuse, Neglect and Exploitation of People with Disability, have further highlighted the risks to both vulnerable people and the organisations that impact the lives of children and vulnerable people. 

Organisations must demonstrate a clear understanding of their interactions with and implement well-defined safeguards to address the needs of children and vulnerable people with which they engage.  


How KPMG can help

KPMG Australia has one of Australia’s largest safeguarding teams, and we are well resourced to help organisations navigate and embrace safeguarding. We understand better practice approaches to respond to new legal and regulatory requirements, and we bring a deep appreciation of community expectations in regard to creating and maintaining a safe environment and culture that enables vulnerable people to thrive.   

Our team's extensive experience stems from our governance, risk, incident management and compliance expertise, as well as detailed knowledge and experience in the health, ageing and human services sector. We deploy highly structured approach to identify, understand and manage organisational risks.  


Safeguarding Services

Current state assessment of systems, processes and vulnerabilities to identify areas of exposure

Evaluation of organisational safety culture including measuring the perceptions of children, young people, adults and the community

Development and implementation of safeguarding frameworks, standards, policies and procedures

Implementation of Royal Commission recommendations and assistance with the National Redress Scheme

Capacity building and training

Design and implementation of assurance frameworks and risk and compliance tools

Design or review of safeguarding frameworks, governance arrangements and oversighting mechanisms



Contact us

We are committed to helping our clients safeguard children and vulnerable people. Contact us now to discuss how we can help your organisation manage Safeguarding.