Dakai Liu

Partner, Forensic

KPMG in China

Dakai leads the mainland China Forensic Technology team and he has over 13 years of combined experiences in providing Cyber Incident Response, E-Discovery and Data Analysis services.Dakai started his Forensic Technology career at KPMG The Netherlands and has been working with different teams across Europe ever since. He was on various international projects where he spent years working in UK, German, Belgium for projects serving different large multinational corporations.

In 2011, Dakai relocated to KPMG’s Shanghai office, where he continued to provide technology solutions to oversea companies as well as supporting engagements in regards to internal auditors, cyber security, risk and compliance, fraud prevention/detection, anti-corruption practices, FCPA and UK-Bribery compliance, due diligence, data acquisition and preservation, Anti Money Laundry, litigation support engagements.

Dakai lead various Digital investigation engagements in China to assist client and its external counsel exploring facts lay beneath different ERP data sources. He has significant knowledge working with different local ERP packages as well as global ERP solutions to identify, extract, map, modelling, analysis and visualizing data from different angles, transform such information into meaningful business interpretations.  

Dakai combines his extensive knowledge of data analytics with his system development skills to assist clients from various industries. Including provide information system solution to meet client’s specific requirements on fraud/loss prevention and detection related issues.


Areas of expertise 

Digital Investigation      Risk Data Analytics      Business Intelligent      Cyber Security      Cyber Incident Response       Computer Forensic      E-Discovery

  • Advisory
  • Cyber security
  • Forensic
  • Risk Consulting
  • Technology
  • Bachelor of Information, Multimedia and Management, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam

  • Master of Information Science, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam

  • Certificated Clearwell Administrator