Customer Strategy

Customer Strategy

Reduce costs and grow you enterprise. Start to define which innovative customer and digital propositions will drive enterprise value and optimum customer engagement.


How to maximize growth and retain customers in the age of digital disruption? What we know is that almost every market is experiencing fundamental change. Consumer expectations have shifted and digital technology is poised to create the biggest impact since the start of the information age.

Today’s customers are better informed, better connected and demand more than ever before. The KPMG Global CEO survey of 2016 reported that 88% of CEOs are now concerned about customer loyalty and recognize that mastery of the customer agenda is essential.

In the same survey, 79% of CEOs believe that their current business models are not disruptive enough. It is clear that global leaders of successful businesses recognise that creating a customer-centric and digitally-transformed company is a matter of survival.

With the theme of ‘Customer First’, this KPMG report details six powerful new capabilities companies need grow and thrive in this time of unprecedented change.

Based on deep experience of working with leading companies in many sectors and markets around the world our aim is to share powerful yet simple and practical steps any company can follow.

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